La Serena is 30 minutes away from Perugia airport. There are direct flights from London, Vienna and Brussels.
Other options for flights are via Rome, Ancona, Florence or Pisa with a driving time of about 2 hours from each.
Perugia and Chiusi train stations are about 20 km away with several daily trains to and from Rome and Florence.
We recommend that you have your own transport or hire a car, though we do have guests that have relied on public transport which involves walking to Castiglione Della Valle (approx. 1km) or San Biagio (approx. 2km) to catch a bus.
Satellite Navigation Users:
The easisest way to find us is to type “La Serena Umbria” in Google Maps. There, it still shows up at “La Serena B&B” but the location is perfect.
The following Longitude/Latitude coordinates should also work! They are: N 43° 00’ 54” E 12° 15’ 56” (or if your Sat Nav is set to decimal, it is N 43.015 & E 12.266). The alternative is to enter Castiglione della Valle (‘postcode’ is 06072) which is only 1 kilometre away from us.
Once you have entered those into your system, enjoy the rest of the journey and concentrate on the Italian driving!! Buon Viaggio!